LucasArts Wiki

Camela Boswell was a production manager at LucasArts.


Boswell studied journalism and public relations from California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo with a degree. After a period in advertising, she did PR work at LucasArts.[1]

Even though she was not knowledgable of the technical aspects of game design, she became interested in the creative end of the business, and moved into production: overseeing all the elements of the process, provide resources, ensuring the deadline and budget, streamline production and tracking of tasks. Her duties involved also the work conditions of the persons, differences between them, and boost morality and productivity, like a "cheerleader". Boswell works with lists, addresses each task and gets it done. She also looked at the competition so that her company stayed ahead.[1]

In 1996 she was producing four major releases including The Dig which stressed her a bit.[1]


"This is the deadline we'd like to meet. Do you have a solid reason why we can't? What factors am I not taking into consideration?"
―Boswell's approach[1]

Notes and references[]

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Jo Ashburn, The Dig Official Player's Guide

External links[]